No matter EN14449, American standards of other laminated glass standards only contains several limited tests,sUch as high temperature test,appearance,ball drop test and impact test.While when glass are used in glass skylight,the glass loading capability and sustain capability after breakage cannot be measured.

Post breakage strength is significantly affected by the breakage pattern of the glass layers, support

conditions, and temperature. Breakage pattern of glass can be a big variable even for the same type of glass and this makes analytical modeling of its post breakage strength a near impossible task. Thus engineers have to rely on destructive testing for this. Post breakage strength can be categorized as follows.

  1. Immediate Post Breakage Strength against “fall through”

  2. Medium Duration Post Breakage Strength Testing (More than 30 Mins. As per pr DIN 18008 – 61)

Around the world,there’s only one test and standard that can test the post breakage strength of overhead laminated glass:

DIN18008-6: Glass In Building – Design And Construction Rules – Part 6 Additional Requirements For Walk-on Glaz,.

Mr I. Stelzer  a & M. Singh Rooprai from Kuraray Europe Gmbh conducted the tests for several kinds of laminated glass:PVB laminated glass,EVA laminated glass,SGP laminated glass and stiff PVB laminated glass to show the glass sustain capability.


overhead laminated glass is usually made with SGP laminated glass,it has high strength,high sustain capabily after breakage,here to test the post breakage strength


This will help overhead glazed laminated glass,for example,glass floor, glass skylight,glass walkway,glass bridge etc to better understand and decide what kinds of laminated glass shall be used.

The test got below conclusions:

1.At -20°C, laminates made from the 4 interlayer candidates i.e 0.89 mm Ionomer , 1.52 mm Ionomer, mm Standard PVB, 1.52 Stiff PVB pass the post breakage strength requirements of the new German Standard pr DIN 18008 – 6.

At -20°C, all 4 candidates had their ultimate strength more than 400 Kg as there was no collapse of the

panel due to tearing of the interlayer at rotules.

  1. At +21°C, Ionomer and Stiff PVB laminates pass the post breakage strength requirements of DIN 18008 –6 but Standard PVB laminate does not (for this type of construction).
  • At +21°C, 0.89 mm & 1.52mm Ionomer laminate had almost similar post breakage strength till about 45

minutes from the breakage.

  1. For tropical climate regions where the ambient temperature is more than +45°C, Ionomer interlayer

laminates meet and exceed the requirements of pr DIN 18008- 6 Standard.

4.Further testing and research will be conducted to get a better understanding of the post glass breakage

behavior of laminated glass and to develop appropriate design methods.

Please download the detailed test procedure and test result here:


Morn also got all the test videos,welcome contact us to get related info.

Morn is your turnkey architectural laminated glass supplier in China,welcome contact us for more info.

Download this article here:Post-Breakage-Strength-Testing-for-Overhead-Laminated-Glass